María Martínez-Rebollar, M.D.

HIV Unit, Infectious Diseases Service, University Hospital Clínic Barcelona. Spain.

Dr. María Martínez-Rebollar has a degree in Medicine from the University of Valencia (1994-2000). Specialist in Internal Medicine (2001-2006) and PhD from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2009 (Extraordinary Doctorate Award).  She worked as a Research Physician at the HIV Day Hospital, Infectious Diseases Service, Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS, Barcelona (2006-2017). Since 2017 works as Specialist Physician, HIV Unit, Infectious Diseases Service, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona.

She takes part in frequent national and international clinical trials in relation to patients with HIV infection and HIV- HCV co infection. She has been recipient of Spanish public healthcare grants as Rio Hortega (CM07/00136) and Sara Borrell (CM13/00123). She has been accredited since 2014 by ANECA (The National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain) as Profesor Contratado Doctor (Contracted Lecturer with Doctorate). She teaches the subject Infectious Diseases in the Medicine Degree and in the AIDS Master as Assistant Lecturer at University of Barcelona. Her main areas of clinical and research interest are evolution and treatment of general HIV infection and acute HCV co infection.