Registration and online connection
Welcome and presentation
Chairs: Esteban Martínez, Jordi Blanch and TBA (Catalan Administration)
Course session 1: Toolkit on psychopharmacology
Main groups of psychopharmacological medication.
Guida da Ponte
Which drugs and when to deprescribe – To be confirmed
Course session 2: Use of long-acting medication – pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics neuropsychiatric toxicities
Long-acting antiretroviral medication.
Ignacio Pérez-Valero
Long-acting psychopharmacological medication – To be confirmed
Coffee Break
Course session 3: Motivational Interview in psychiatric disorders and HIV care
Overview of Motivational Interviewing in HIV Care. Antoine Douaihy
Practical overview – To be confirmed
Course session 4: How can physicians best measure the impact of HIV infection on the CNS?
Clinical - Alan Winston
Laboratory - Andrea Calcagno
Imaging – To be confirmed
Lunch break
Plenary Lecture: Brain Health in PWH / Brain biotypes in PLWH
Robert Paul
Clinical Case. Session 1
3 Clinical cases of about 20 minutes each, including 10 min of presentation and 10 min of discussion.
Coffee Break
Clinical Case. Session 2
3 Clinical cases of about 20 minutes each, including 10 min of presentation and 10 min of discussion.
Round table: The future of mental health in PWH (from research to implementation to clinical work)
Chair: Scott Letendre
Closure and farewell