José Maldonado, M.D.

Division of Medical Psychiatry, Stanford University Medical Center. USA.

Dr. Jose Maldonado is the Chief of the Division of Medical Psychiatry, with a focus on providing excellent medical care and research to patients suffering from psychiatric complications of medical illness or its treatments. Dr Maldonado is the lead developer of a new specialty within Medical Psychiatry: Critical Care Psychiatry.

His research lab developed the Stanford Integrated Psychosocial Assessment for Transplantation (SIPAT), for the assessment of the psychosocial candidacy of organ transplant and ventricular assisted devices (VADs) candidates. In addition, his research has led the field of Medical Psychiatry with the development of tools for the prediction and assessment of various neuropsychiatric disorders, including the Stanford Proxy Test of Delirium (S-PTD, for delirium diagnosis); the Stanford Algorithm for Predicting Delirium (SAPD, to identify patients at risk); and the Prediction of Alcohol Withdrawal Severity Scale (PAWSS). He has developed management protocols and algorithms for the prevention and treatment of delirium; as well as novel pharmacological techniques (benzodiazepine-sparing protocol) for the prophylaxis and treatment of complicated alcohol withdrawal syndromes.

Dr. Maldonado has been the recipient of multiple awards and recognitions, the most recent include: the John & Terry Levin Family Endowed Professorship in Medicine; the Franz-Köhler-Inflammation-Award from the German Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI); and the Eleanor and Thomas P. Hackett Memorial Award by the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, the Academy’s highest honor, for distinctive achievements in CLP training, research, clinical practice, and leadership.