16th Symposium

2-3 June 2023

Practical focus on the diagnosis and treatment of the psychiatric and neuropsychological aspects of HIV- infected patients.

Ms. Tiffany Gooden

Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham. United Kingdom

HIV and Mental Health

Gary Whitlock, M.D.

HIV and sexual health. Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. NHS Foundation Trust. London, United Kingdom


María Martínez-Rebollar, M.D.

HIV Unit, Infectious Diseases Service, University Hospital Clínic Barcelona. Spain.

Approach to the chemsex phenomenon from an HIV unit in Barcelona: facing needs and challenges.

Francine Cournos, M.D.

Department Clinical Psychiatry, Epidemiology. Columbia University. New York, USA.

Pragmatic Approaches to the Intersection of HIV and Mental Health Worldwide

David Grelotti, M.D.

HIV Psychiatry Unit. California University San Diego Health. San Diego, USA.

Psychosocial syndemics and HIV: A global perspective