1-Practical training on diagnosis and management of clinical CNS problems in HIV-infected patients
Diagnosis and screening - Prevention and treatment of neurocognitive impairment in HIV-infected patients.


Gabriele Arendt, M.D.

Department Neurology, University Hospital of Duesseldorf, Germany

Gabriele Arendt, MD, is associate Professor in Neurology, University Hospital of Duesseldorf, Germany. Since 1987, she chairs the Neuro-AIDS out-patient department of the hospital with about 1100 patients/year. The Duesseldorf HIV cohort comprises by now almost 5000 patients. She acquired her medical and scientific degrees in the University of Duesseldorf, then specialised on psychiatry and later on neurology and neurophysiology. Her scientific interest focuses on motor abnormalities in HIV-positive patients, disturbances of the dopaminergic pathways in these patients and on the significance of cytokines for the neuropathogenesis of HIV-associated dementia.

She is in the editorial boards of the Journal of NeuroVirology, the Journal of NeuroAIDS and of Neurobehavioral HIV Medicine, an open access journal. She is a member of the German Aids Society. She has written more than 150 papers, HIV/AIDS chapters in most of the German standard textbooks and three books. She has designed and conducted many national multicenter studies and participated in international studies.

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HIV and the Central Nervous System – Diagnosing HAND

Andrea Calcagno, M.D., DTM&H

Department of Medical Sciences, Unit of Infectious Diseases. University of Torino, Italy

He is temporary Assistant Professor at the University of Torino (Department of Medical Sciences, Infectious Diseases). Infectious Diseases Specialist (University of Torino, Italy); Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand). He is member of the Panel of the Italian Guidelines on the Use of Antiretrovirals and Management of patients living with HIV.

He has experience as a Clinicians in Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine (Sudan, Thailand, Burundi); several phase II, III and IV studies in antiretroviral treatment trials.

His main field of interest is the clinical pharmacology and pharmacogenetics of anti-infective agents (antiretroviral, antibiotic, antifungals) and the central nervous system complication of HIV-infection.

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Practical Training on diagnosis and management of clinical CNS problems in HIV-positive individuals: Treatment

Alan Winston, M.D.

HIV research unit. St. Mary’s Hospital. London, United Kingdom

Alan Winston is a Professor of HIV and Genitourinary Medicine at Imperial College and Consultant Physician at St. Mary’s Hospital, London. He has an M.D. in antiretroviral clinical pharmacology and his research focuses on non-infectious co-morbidities associated with HIV-disease in the modern antiretroviral era, with a strong focus on central nervous system complications.

Dr. Alan Winston qualified from Glasgow University and undertook training in general medicine and HIV medicine in the UK and Australia. He leads the HIV and GU clinical trials unit at St. Mary’s hospital which runs over 20 studies at one time.

He is the principal clinical investigator on the POPPY study, a cohort study describing the incidence and nature of co-morbidities in HIV.

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Practical Training on diagnosis and management of clinical CNS problems in HIV-positive individuals: Treatment

Paola Cinque, M.D.

Infectious Diseases Unit of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital. Milan, Italy

She is currently working as senior physician at the Department of Infectious Diseases and responsible of the Neurovirology Research Unit at the Research Division of Immunology, Transplantation and Infectious Diseases of San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy, and as contract Professor of Infectious Diseases at San Raffaele University.

Her research group is mainly involved in studies on HIV Infection of the Central Nervous System, Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy and other HIV-associated CNS complications.

She is a panel member of the Italian HIV Treatment Guidelines, of the EACS Co-morbidities and of the Opportunistic Infections Guidelines, and of the NIH/CDC/IDSA Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections.in HIV-Infected Adults and Adolescents.

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Prevention of neurocognitive impairment in HIV-infected patients

Ignacio Pérez-Valero, M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Infectious Diseases. Reina Sofia University Hospital. Córdoba, Spain

Ignacio Pérez-Valero MD PhD is a 43 years-old Consultant Physician of Internal Medicine at the Reina Sofía University Hospital. Córdoba, Spain.

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Practical Training on diagnosis and management of clinical CNS problems in HIV-positive individuals: Screening