15th Symposium

11/12/13 May 2022

Practical focus on the diagnosis and treatment of the psychiatric and neuropsychological aspects of HIV-infected patients.

Antoine Douaihy, M.D.

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA

Addressing the Intersection of HIV & Substance Use.

Sanne Van Luenen, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychology Department of Leiden University. the Netherlands

Risk behavior in depressive disorders.

Joaquim Cerejeira, M.D.

Psychiatrist Department, University Hospital Center of Coimbra. Portugal

Clinical Case: Risk behavior

Mr. Mario Cascio

Program for Quality of European AIDS Treatment Life Group (EATG). Brussels, Beligum

Stigma in people with HIV

Julian Falutz, M.D.

Faculty of Medicine,  McGill University and Division of Geriatrics at the McGill University Health Center. Montreal, Canada.

Aging in people with HIV

Silvia Nozza, MD

Department of Infectious Diseases, Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano. Italy

Clinical case: Factors of vulnerability HIV

José Maldonado, M.D.

Division of Medical Psychiatry, Stanford University Medical Center. USA.

Delirium or cognitive impairment

Serena Spudich, M.D., M.A.

Division of Neurological Infections and Global Neurology, Yale University School of Medicine. New Haven USA.

HIV eradication and CNS

Juan Tiraboschi, M.D.

HIV Unit, Infectious Diseases Service. University Hospital Bellvitge. Barcelona, Spain.

Clinical Case: Risk of HIV infection in the brain.