12th Symposium

Living positive: The effectiveness and implementation of a guided online intervention for people with HIV and depressive symptoms

Sanne Van Luenen, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychology Department of Leiden University. the Netherlands

Sanne van Luenen studied Nursing (2002-2006) and completed the Research Master Clinical and Health Psychology at Leiden University in 2013. For her PhD (obtained in 2019) she conducted a randomized controlled trial into the effectiveness of an online self-help intervention for people with HIV and depressive symptoms.

At the moment, Sanne is the local coordinator of the Caring Universities project in Leiden, in which 7 Dutch universities set out to explore and improve student mental wellbeing by means of e-mental health solutions. She’s also a teacher at the Clinical Psychology Department of Leiden University and she conducts research into the online treatment of mental health problems in general and in people with HIV in particular.

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