20/22/27/29 October and 3 November 2020
Practical focus on the diagnosis and treatment of the psychiatric and neuropsychological aspects of HIV-infected patients.
Geriatrics Service. Infanta Leonor University Hospital and Faculty Medicine. Complutense University of Madrid. Spain.
Lluita contra les Infeccions Foundation, Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital. Barcelona, Spain
Social entrepreneur, speaker, author, wellbeing coach, mental health and mindfulness trainer. Wembley, Middlesex, United Kingdom.
Psychiatry Service, Dual Pathology Program. Henares University Hospital. Madrid, Spain.
Columbia University. New York, USA
University of California. San Diego, USA
Columbia University. New York, USA
Univ. Hosp. VU. Amsterdam. Netherlands
Reina Sofia University Hospital. Córdoba, Spain
Lluita contra les Infeccions Foundation, Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital. Barcelona, Spain
Barreiro-Montijo Hospital Center. Portugal